영화 '인턴'대본을 통한 영어공부하기 29번째입니다.
진도는 '유튜브'의 같영구 채널의 인턴쉐도잉을 따라 진행했습니다.
'영어공부법'에 올린 '100LS 공부법' 참고하셔서 함께 공부 해 보면 좋습니다.
해석 및 영어문법에 관해서 의견 주시면 저도 공부하는데 참고하겠습니다. 모두 열공 하세요 :)
David : Benjamin...We made some progress/..
벤자민, 우리에게 좀 진전이 있었어요!
Ben : Very big day for the intern team
인턴팀에게 좋은 날이네
David : It was great. I mean, she yelled at me, but..she yells at me all the time, too. all the time, too.
It was communication./Yeah. It was a breakthrough.
▶breakthrough : 어려운 상황에서의 돌파구
David : Whoo, oh you want one too? / Yeah, okay
Lewis : Okay boys, I'm possibly meeting Jay Z and or Beyoncé and I'm in a blouse.
Ben : Wear it, dude. It's an improvement.
Lewis : Not true.
David :Big one.
Jules : I hate eating alone.
Ben : So do I
Jules : You know, you don't actually have to keep doing that.
Ben : Oh, force of habit. 습관의 되서 말이죠
▶force of habit : 습관의 힘이란, 습관이 되서리…
Jules : Here you go. Swiped these from the tech fridge.기술팀 냉장고에서 빼돌렸죠
▶swipe : 슬쩍하다
Ben : Oh, nice going. 오, 좋군요
Jules : You want a slice?
Ben : Sure, thanks.
Both : Cheers./Cheers.
Ben : I noticed a couple hours ago, you had a meeting with another possible CEO. I saw him arrive. How'd that go?
Jules : It was going well... Until he called us...I believe the term he used was a "chick site”. And I didn't hear anything he said after that. Apparently, selling clothes makes us a "chick site."
미팅은 순조로웠어요. 그가 우릴... "계집애들 사이트"라고 부르기 전까지는요. 그 뒤로는 그의 말은 아무것도 듣지 않았죠. 듣자하니 옷을 파는게 우리 사이트를 "계집애들 사이트"로 만든 다네요.
▶chick: 영계(젊은 여자를 가리키는 모욕적인 말)
Jules : I mean, really?
How is this not legit? 이게 뭐가 어때서? I couldn't agree more. I find that surprising.
Really? Sexism in business? So...What did you do for work, Ben, before you retired?
사업에서의 성차별?