미드& 영화 _ 영어대본 해석/인턴

[영화 '인턴' 대본영어공부법_30] : 벤과 줄스의 첫 야근 2 (Feat : 같영구 쉐도잉 #30) (해석 및 영어표현정리)

EFS 2020. 10. 17. 12:22

영화 '인턴'대본을 통한 영어공부하기 30번째입니다.

진도는 '유튜브'의 같영구 채널의 인턴쉐도잉을 따라 진행했습니다.
'영어공부법'에 올린 '100LS 공부법' 참고하셔서 함께 공부 해 보면 좋습니다.
해석 및 영어문법에 관해서 의견 주시면 저도 공부하는데 참고하겠습니다. 모두 열공 하세요 :)






Jules  was a V.P. For Dex one./Phonebooks?


Jules : Yeah. I was in charge of printing, and before that I ran sales and advertising.


Jules : Big jobs. Wasn't this a factory that used to make phonebooks?


Ben : No. What?/Yeah./What?/This is where you worked?/For almost 40 years./Yeah.


Ben : For twenty-some years I sat right by that window. That was my office. It was a few steps up back then.

We'd look outover the whole factory, Our printing presses were in that corner that's why the floor dips backthere.

근 20년 넘게 저 창문앞에 앉아있었어요. 저기가 제 사무실이였죠. 그땐 조금 더 높았지만요. s공장 전체가 보였죠. 인쇄기가 저기 구석에 있었죠. 그래서 저기 바닥이 조금 더 파여있죠


Jules : No way.


Ben : I know everything about this building or used to


Ben : No way.


Ben : You know the sycamoreson the other side of the building? 건물 반대편의 단풍나무 아세요?


Jules : Yeah. The big ones. I love them


Ben : Yeah. I remember the day they were planted.


Jules : Is it totally weird beingback here?


Ben : Well, it feels like home. It's... Remodeled, but.. Home.


Jules : So you're on Facebook huh?


Ben : Well, I've been trying to figure it out. I joined about 10 minutes ago.






