미드& 영화 _ 영어대본 해석/인턴

[영화 '인턴' 대본영어공부법_57] : 벤과 줄스의 대화 (해석 및 영어표현정리)

EFS 2021. 2. 12. 17:01

영화 '인턴'대본을 통한 영어공부하기 57번째입니다.

진도는 '유튜브'의 같영구 채널의 인턴쉐도잉을 따라 진행했습니다.
'영어공부법'에 올린 '100LS 공부법' 참고하셔서 함께 공부 해 보면 좋습니다.
해석 및 영어문법에 관해서 의견 주시면 저도 공부하는데 참고하겠습니다. 모두 열공 하세요.




You know when people say they 
want to grow old together?


Mm-hmm./ Well, we did that.


We met when we were 20. When I was 20, she was 19. And what was amazing is she never really changed.

That's a hard thing to pull off.

She handled life like it was easy. Always. Even when it wasn't.

▶That’s a hard thing to pull off. : 그건 하기 힘든거야

Pull off : (무언가를 뽑아내는 문맥이 아닐 때는 ) 어려운 일을 해내다

Pull off a victory : 어려운 승리를 이끌어내다

Pull off a dinner for 8 : 8인분의 저녁식사를 겨우 준비하다


God, I envy that.Are you hungry? We have Gummy bears, chocolate chips, pringles.

Yup, I'm just gonna bring the whole thing. 다 가져갈께요.


You know those are like 15 bucks each?


Benjamin, I run a very big Internet company. Let's go crazy.


Okay/ So./ So…/Yeah so………


I got a weird one for you. Matt is cheating on me. Wait a minute. You know about this?


I saw them together.


Oh my god. When?






